Monday 15 March 2010

Berzerk Now Speaks!!

It's incredible to think but Robert Hurst has squeezed voice samples into the VIC version of Berzerk (see below!).  The RAM requirement has gone from an 8k expansion to 16k but I'm pretty sure that's not really an issue in this day and age.  The link below has been updated :)

Friday 5 March 2010

The Vic's gone Berzerk!

It's only the second day of my lowly blog and already there's something great to say and it's not about me!.

The ridiculously talented Robert Hurst (he of Omega Fury and Quikman fame) has released a port of Berzerk called, cleverly enough, Berzerk MMX!

It's fantastic port really capturing the feel of the arcade classic even though sadly it is without any speech.  It's fast and pacey and you always feel in control.

Most importantly, though, it has that 'one more go' factor so necessary in a game with such a simple premise.  Go on, you owe it yourself to Destroy The Humanoids - even if it means clambering around in your attic to dig out your machine  You can also download (and why haven't you before now!?) the other above mentioned games from the same link. :)

Thursday 4 March 2010

My First Post!

Well, this is my first foray into sharing my ego with the outside world and what better way to do that than to show off the prototype of my first Vic:

It's not the prettiest in the world but it's got a custom made badge!

Only the external aesthetics are taken care off. I have cut a slot for Vic sized carts, sprayed the case satin black, cleaned the C64 keys with Retr0bright, modded an old Vic keyboard (it's travel felt more positive) to fit the case and, finally, added a green power LED).  I have added a built-in uIEC... ;)

Over the next couple of weeks I'll get into the guts of it a little more and move things around a little. Priority number one is to move the PSU socket to the back of the casing. It's always bugged me having a big, fat ugly lead sticking out of the side of such a lovely looking machine - so it's gotta go!